Business Start Up

A lot of small businesses and content creators will brand themselves under a Sole-Proprietorship and/or an LLC, or even a partnership. Let us help you make sure you cross all the Ts and dot all the Is!

Self-Publish Coaching

Once your book is ready – do you know how to publish it? Do you know WHERE to publish it? We can coach you through all the options and help you choose (and set-up) the best one for you!


Have you thought about how you will market your product or business once it’s ready to launch? Do you need a website? Some help creating your brand kit? We’re here for that too!

Social Media Management

As a product based business, you may have trouble finding the time to also run your social media, but in this day and age it’s crucial! We have experience in creating and maintaining social media accounts across all major platforms!


Your focus should be on your products, services, or content. We can handle the rest! Copy is the text surrounding your business that is used to advertise and pull in your customers. We’ve got you covered!

Web Design

Website design is often one aspect of business that owners get overwhelmed with. If you don’t have the graphic design knowledge, or the time, to create a truly unique and attention grabbing brand experience, let us put you at ease! With a little inspiration from you, we can bring your business to life!