Ready to Self-Publish?

follow this step-by-step guide to self-publishing!

Confused about what step to take next? We're here to help you understand the
lengthy process and ensure that you don't miss a single detail!

We’ve broken the entire self-publishing process down into manageable segments.

Work through each one to ensure your book is ready to hit the shelves!


Answer each question (yes/no) and the guide will walk you
through and provide resources along the way!


Writing a book is hard enough without also having to learn the business behind being a self-published author. It isn’t as simple as typing up your first draft, hitting “publish”, and watching your sales reach the thousands! There are months and months of work outside of writing… but don’t let that scare you! 

It can be done! And this guide to self-publishing is just the tool you need to not only finish the writing & editing process, but easily navigate the business & marketing steps too! We’ll walk you through from what type of editor you need to look for, to what formatting your book means, and all the way to setting up ads on Amazon to drive more sales! This guide is your one stop shop for all the tools of the trade!

Welcome to the self-publishing journey, we can’t wait to see what you create! 

Please note:  All of the resources we link in this app are sources we have found useful ourselves.  This app contains NO AFFILIATE LINKS.  Just genuine love.